Thursday, January 20, 2011

Peer Helping in Action

This video focuses on "Peer Helping in Action." It tells the story about collaboration between St. Charles, Missouri, Public High Schools, St. Charles High School and St. Charles West High School Peer Helping classes and Missouri Department of Transportation for a Peer Helping retreat called "Youth Saving Youth."

The foundation for the retreat is the NAPPP curriculum "Zero Tolerance for Underage Drinking and Driving- Youth Saving Youth." Research has shown that peer education is an effective way to influence choices young people make about drinking and driving and seat belt compliance.
In this video Peer Helper 2 students who have written lessons are shown delivering these lessons to Peer Helper 1 students. These students, in turn, will deliver these lessons back at their high schools for their peers. Some of the lessons developed by the students are Distracted Driving, Seat Belt Safety, Drowsy Driving, Anti-Drug Bingo, and Decisions, Decision, Decisions. This program is highly interactive, allowing students to discuss their opinions about Zero Tolerance laws and about underage drinking and driving.
Peer Helper 2 students present the curriculum "Hard Questions" and "What Now Questions." Dr. Judith Tindall and the School Resource Officer (SRO) enforce the basic information around underage drinking and driving, distracted driving, and seat belt safety.

Some of the partners in the video are parent volunteers, donations from the local IGA, SRO's, prosecuting attorney, Think First Foundation of Missouri, two high school peer programs, NAPPP and others.

If you are interested in the evaluation from 2009-2010 project, please contact NAPPP at The outcome data indicated positive trends for youth safety.

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