Thursday, March 31, 2016

Our Family


In Our Family, children share stories about all kinds of families. Today's children come from families living in one home or two, some are being raised by one mom or one dad, or they might have two parents/caregivers or live with grandparents or other family members. Others have parents/caregivers of different ethnic backgrounds, or who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. And some children are adopted or live in blended families. This short film is a collaboration between Our Family Coalition and Not In Our Town to encourage conversation about the many diverse family constellations, to give children the opportunity to see and appreciate their own families, and to be open and respectful to those who are different from them.

A Lesson about the Psychology of Meetings from SNL and Google

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Creating a thermometer chart in Microsoft Excel


A thermometer is a common way to measure intensity and this also works well for depicting student progress in a fun way. This video shows you how to do it with “percent of homework completion” as the outcome. This video is included among many others in the online workshop at

PDF Tricks

Deal with PDF files more effectively and efficiently by learning how to:
  • Complete a form that does not have fillable fields.
  • Insert your signature
  • Email the completed form from right within the application (in this case, Foxit PDF Reader)
  • Summarize Comments made in the PDF
  • Merge and split PDF files with ease.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Any advice about using social networks?

Google Docs: Type with your voice

WOW! You can now even use commands to edit and format your document when you voice type. For example, "Select paragraph," "italics," or "Go to the end of the line."

For a list of commands, go here: