Wednesday, April 30, 2014

1 is 2 Many PSA: 60 Second

President Obama, Vice President Biden, Daniel Craig, Benicio Del Toro, Dulé Hill, Seth Meyers and Steve Carell on putting an end to sexual assault.

Have the Homeless Become Invisible?

In this social experiment, unsuspecting people walked by relatives pretending to be homeless. Would they notice their family members? Or have the homeless become invisible?

To find out more about the New York City Rescue Mission visit

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Face-Off With a Deadly Predator

Paul Nicklen describes his most amazing experience as a National Geographic photographer - coming face-to-face with one of Antarctica's most vicious predators. What happens is not what you expect.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Portrait of Lotte - 0 to 14 years in 4 min. (The Original)

This new Time-Lapse shows Lotte changing from baby to 14 years in 4 min. ©2014 Copyright Frans Hofmeester.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Moth Presents Anthony Griffith: The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

A comic must earn his living as a clown while suffering the ultimate heartbreak.

Anthony Griffith lives in the mountains of California at 5,000 feet elevation in an animal protected community. It's much different from the inner city of Chicago where he used to live, but he still travels doing stand-up. He says that the overwhelming positive response of him telling his story at The Moth has prompted him to write my one man show and pen other short stories now in development.

World's Toughest Job - #worldstoughestjob

Unlimited hours. No breaks. The most important job is also the world's toughest job.

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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The School Counseling Program

Presented to you by Montana State University School Counseling Department:
Chelsea Allsbrook, Andy Hessen, Sarah Lawerence, Kristin Marne, Valentina Perez-Bradley, Kristen Rausch, Megan Shutt, and Brittany Wenke.
Special Thanks to Katey Franklin, Dr. Mark Nelson, Joshua O'Neil & Erin Burke

The School Counseling Program from Erin Burke on Vimeo.


If you're wearing headphones, turn down the volume a bit, it starts loudly. Turn on annotations for closed captions.

Aquinas College students play a prank on their hilarious Macroeconomics professor!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Needed Response

Allgood Sesame steps Video

Allgood Sesame steps Video from Allgood plc on Vimeo.

Since the introduction of the DDA and subsequently the Equality Act, many buildings have struggled to provide a means of access to their property that is barrier-free and ensures access for all. Even the smallest numbers of steps at the entrance of a building can provide a huge obstacle to visitors to a building and can lead to a situation where some visitors cannot access the building without assistance. Frequently, the property will install a retrofit solution that is difficult to use and can be an eyesore to the existing façade of the building. Sesame from Allgood Trio is a new innovative system that solves this issue by ensuring access for all whilst providing a discreet and aesthetically pleasing solution for the building.
Technologically advanced, the Sesame system from Allgood Trio is tailored to each individual entrance and supplied and installed by our team of engineers. The secret to the system is the way that the retractable stair lift platform is installed beneath the existing stairs, utilising the stairs in the process. This then means that when not in use, the Sesame system cannot be seen and the aesthetic of the building is not unduly affected. Once activated, the system retracts the existing stairs to reveal the lift which can be programmed to work automatically or at the touch of a button. The result is a concealed stair lift that is easy to use, retains the existing aesthetic of the building whilst not taking up space when not in use.
The video above demonstrates the system at one of our installations. Take time to watch it and if you require any further information on the system, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01708 345067 or

Best Shift Ever - Waitress Receives Life-Changing Tip